Sun Salutation

            For the yogis who practice yoga, Lord Shiva has manifested as many yogas in the world as there are in 84 lakh births. Even better than that is 84 yoga and if we talk about the best yoga than that, then Pranayama is the best yoga in meditation yoga. But with the change of time, there have been many changes in it, some are not able to do these yogas, then some do not have time. So to say that all these yogas have been included in the form of Surya Namaskar, it means that all the yogas have been molded in the form of Surya Namaskar in the form of Surya Namaskar or else it can be said that Surya Namaskar is the essence of all yogas. . In today's time, taking out some time and doing exercise like Surya Namaskar, no one can do it irrespective of any caste, any religion, Can be done easily at any age. By the way, the real meaning of Surya Namaskar is that one has to offer oneself to the Sun (considering the Sun as God). By the way, Surya Namaskar is done for meditation, to calm the mind, to maintain energy in the body (for immunity), to protect against diseases.

Discovery of Surya Namaskar

According to saints or Puranas, the discovery of Surya Namaskar has been attributed to Hanuman ji because when he was in the form of a child, Lord Surya was appointed as his teacher to gain knowledge and Hanuman ji was his teacher. God also used to get knowledge from Surya and to show respect to him or to pay respect to his Guru Surya Bhagwan, he used to do 12-way asanas.

Which was jointly given the form of 'Surya Namaskar'. Many other asanas have been given by Hanuman ji in Yoga, which is famous by the name of Hanuman ji. Mainly Surya Namaskar is more famous.

Mantras to be recited while doing Surya Namaskar

  1. Om Suryaaya   Namah:
  2. Om Mitraaya Namah:
  4. Om Aakashaya Namah:
  5. Om Khagaye Namah:
  6. Om Dinkaraye Namah:
  7. Om Ravaya Namah:
  8. Om Bhanave Namah:
  9. Om Bhaskaraaya Namah:
  10. Om Bhargaye Namah:
  11. ॐ Marichaye Namah:
  12. Om Adityaye Namah:
While doing Surya Namaskar, we should chant the above mentioned mantras only. On completion of one circle of Surya Namaskar, one mantra should be chanted. In this way, when we complete 12 circles, we complete 12 (circles) x 12 (mantras) = ​​144 asanas, by which our body gets sufficient amount of exercise and the experience of which increases automatically. Let's increase its count.

Circles or Asanas performed in Surya Namaskar

  1. Hasta Pranam Asana (folding of hands)
  2. Hasta Utna Asana (Raising the Hands Up)
  3. hasta pada asana (touching the feet with the hands  )
  4. Ashwa Sanbandhan Asana
  5. Mountain Asana (This asana forms a mountain-like shape.)
  6. Ashtanga Namaskaram
  7. Bhujang Asana (This asana is seen hissing in honor of snake or snake or snake.) Note Bhuj itself means snake, serpent, snake.
  8. Adho Mukha Asana (a posture similar in appearance to the mountain posture)
  9. Horse Steering Asana (same as the fourth type of asana given above)
  10. Hasta Padasana (touching feet with hands)
  11. Hasta Utna Asana (Raising the Hands Up)
  12. Hasta Pranam Asana (folding of hands)
Hand Bowing Posture
Hasta Utan Asana
Hands Feet  and Flax
Horse Handling Seat
Mountain Asana
Ashtanga Namaskar
Bhujang Asana
Downward Facing Posture
Horse Handling Seat
Hand Foot Asana
Hand Elevation Posture
Pranam Asana